Posted by: Jim | January 4, 2009

When Religion Influences Media

poor-farfour Islam nations have had a kids’ show on TV for some time now featuring a large mouse that looks suspiciously like a certain American mouse. The mouse’s name is Farfour, and each episode basically indoctrinates little Muslim kids about how evil the Jews are.

Well, apparently Farfour’s time had come to an end, because mice are vermin, and are being removed from television. This includes Mickey, Tom, Mighty, and Fivel. The TV programmers were keenly interested in keeping their good standing with the powers-that-be, however, so in the final episode, Farfour is martyred by evil Jews who were after his father’s land.

It’s hilarious and horrifying at the same time. The worst part is the self-righteous kid at the end explaining the moral of the story.

This is a great example of why people grow up believing crazy things. We all know how attached little kids can get to our own Mickey Mouse*. Imagine how they feel when they see their beloved mouse killed by a moronic, ham-fisted Jew who is slavering over possession of their family’s land?

*(True story: a kid once got a minor scrape at Disneyland, and was sitting in the First Aid room. The actor playing Mickey Mouse at the park that day ALSO got a minor injury, walked into the First Aid room, and took his head off. The tiny little human head terrified the little kid so much that his parents were awarded penalties for traumatizing the kid.)


  1. I will not kill. Commit to this one thing for life. There is no reason to kill people in modern world. One doesn’t have to kill for food or resources. If a person can forgive, more so can God. It is not a sin not to kill. Spare a life and give hope of change. I will not kill. Commit to this one thing for life, that’s all there is to it.

  2. Tom is the cat, not the mouse! Durrrr!

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